Sarah J. Maas in PH Book Signing RECAP

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March 13, 2016 has been officially my favorite day ever this year. I got to meet the Queen, Sarah J. Maas. The book signing event was hosted by National Book Store and was held at NBS Glorietta 1.

I went to the venue as early as 10AM the day before. I was 7th in line. The earliest attendee arrived at 5:30 freaking AM. Oh gods! I just love Sarah so so so much that I camped out for the first time in FOREVER. The whole experience was better because I met my new friends from the ToG facebook group that I am a member of. Also, it was so fun to discuss all things ToG and ACOTAR with them. (In my usual day, I actually yearn to have people to actually talk about this subject to. Can’t help but talk to my brothers who looks at me like I’m a crazy lady when I do that.)


The whole event especially lining up for the book signing was surprisingly organized. There were “bouncers” who ensures that no one tries to cut into the lines and make “singit” as the Filipinos call it.

The loooooonggggggg waiting period was the hardest. I survived on foods and interrupted periods of naps the whole night long. When the BIG DAY for us came, we were all energized especially when it was time for registration. After that, it was as if the whole day was a blur.


Then, 2PM came and everyone was excited. When, Sarah arrived, everyone was screaming and chanting and cheering for their ships! I love all the feels flood that day. I’m so happy to learn that there are many who are sailing with me in the DORAELIN SHIP. My fangirl heart could never be happier than this.


Author interview came next. What really stuck to my mind was when Sam was brought up..and she told us that it was also hard for her to write about him. Also, when she said that she adapted the “I will not be afraid” line from ToG in her life. I was brought to tears and we can all feel that she was trying not to cry as well. Oh, she was also asked who she connects to the most among the 3 lead guys in ToG. Her answer was on the safe side but she described Dorian the longest. 😉 ❤ I was also overwhelmed with feels when she said how the Filipino readers are the best in the world.



The actual book signing took place. When it was my turn, I was really freaking out inside and trying so hard to calm down. Oh my gods, it was as if I was starstruck. I felt that I met Aelin in flesh (and when I saw her husband, Josh, like he’s totally Dorian). I swear it’s like I met King Dorian and Queen Aelin in front of me. I literally was a loss for words and just said that I was so happy to see her and was trying so hard not to cry. *I know totally embarrassing, I hope Sarah was not freaked out by me* I thanked her for coming and that the camp out was so worth it bc I got to meet her. Too bad, the management was not allowing hugs..but at least I did the author-handshake with her.




Thank you to Sarah for coming! We’re really blessed and overjoyed to have you here in our country. I hope you’ll come back with your hubs. To National Book Store, lots of gratitude from me for making the impossible happen. Thank you for making the Filipino book nerds dream come true. 🙂
